I worked on two things this week. First, I worked on a Python script that is designed to convert a string of text into OpenSCAD code and to convert that code into a 3D model for use with the MakerBot. This program uses the techniques I used to merge text and Braille to make a string that should be legible by those with visual impairments.
The second thing I accomplished was another improvement to the VizTouch program. I figured out how to make the program generate a graph of two functions
In addition, my co-workers and I helped out with a celebration event for the Americans with Disabilities Act. At this event, we exhibited all our research projects.
David! I'm a writer for MakerBot. We love to keep track of awesome stories about our machines being used. If you care to share more about your work, drop me a line to andrew.pelkey@makerbot.com. I'd be thrilled to hear from you.